Cllr. Ben Shirley joined one of the three Conservative candidates for Ulverston East, Ben Cooper, on the campaign trail.
Together, they were out listening to resident’s views on many important local issues including the Beehive, dog fouling, car parking and council tax.
Ben Cooper supports another supermarket in Ulverston, commenting: "it's great to see fellow Conservatives on Ulverston Town Council supporting proposals for more supermarket choice in Ulverston! It's what residents keep telling us that they want to see come to the town." Ben went on to say "an extra supermarket would create jobs, provide choice and healthy competition. Crucially it will retain custom in our town rather than local people commuting out of the area to do all of their shopping."
Conservatives are campaigning hard for lower car parking charges and more parking spaces in and around Ulverston, for a crackdown on dog fouling by pressing SLDC to use and enforce all sanctions at their disposal more rigorously and for lower council tax so that you and your family keep more of the money that you earn. To get positive change at SLDC in Ulverston, vote Conservative.
Your three Conservative candidates for the SLDC election on 3rd May are: Sarah Archer, Norman Bishop-Rowe and Ben Cooper. You get three votes, use all three to vote for your local Conservative Candidates.